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Petrophysical Evaluation of Shaly Sand Reservoirs in Palouge-Fal Oilfield, Geology Students

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Abstract- The performance of various shaly sand saturation equations was compared to the water saturation calculated from drainage capillary pressure. T

he wireline logging, mud logging, well testing, and core data had been carefully evaluated during the processing of the data; therefore, data quality was thought to be good. Almost all kinds of petrophysical parameters were used for log interpretation in the area of the study, and accomplished the six wells processing and interpretation, including interpretation of the results, tabling, plotting and cross-plots making for data quality control. The results obtained using the shaly sand evaluation techniques, were in good agreement with core and other data. Consequently, the methods and techniques in the shaly sand models can be used to improve petrophysical evaluation of shaly sand reservoirs. The result of the evaluation was utilized to investigate the low productivity from some zones and its relation with depositional process and petrophysical properties. Spectral gamma ray was introduced in this study as a new method to identify the reservoir quality.


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