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Indian Mathematics

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

 Book Description

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The orientalists who exploited Indian:-histC Ty a Ul literature about a century ago were not always perfect in their methods of investigation and consequently promulgated many errors. Gradually, however, sounder methods have obtained and we are now able to see the facts in more correct perspective. In particular the early chronology has been largely revised and the revision in some instances has important bearings on the history of mathematics and allied subjects. According to orthodox Hindu tradition the Surya Siddhanta, the most important Indian astronomical work, was composed over two million years ago! Bailly, towards the end of the eighteenth century, considered that Indian astronomy had been founded on accurate observations made thousands of years before the Christian era. Laplace, basing his arguments on figures given by Bailly considered that some 3, 000 years B.C. the Indian astronomers had recorded actual observations of the planets correct to one second; Playfair eloquently supported Bailly sviews ;Sir William Jones argued that correct observations must have been made at least as early as 1181 B.C.; and so on; but with the researches of Colebrooke, Whitney, Weber, Thibaut, and others more correct views were introduced and it was proved that the records used by Bailly were quite modem and that the actual period of the composition of the original Surya Siddhanta was not earliar than A.D.400. It may, indeed, be generally stated that the tendency of the early orientalists was towards antedating and this tendency is exhibited in discussions connected with two notable works, the Sulvasutras and the Bakhshali arithmetic, the dates of which are not even yet definitely fixed..
Book Details

PIBN: 1000008405
Category: Mathematics - Algebra
Year: 1915
Language: English
Pages: 88
Words: 18829
Unique Words: 2219  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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