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Words and Sentences

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

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Although correct English is traditionally not a subject that appeals irresistibly to students, and although the general tendency now-a-days is to reduce rules to a minimum, this book must be in part a book of rules, a book of nurture. Perhaps the section on words, in the opportunity it oflFers for definition and discrimination of concepts, may relieve the immense ennui that is inseparable from a system of rhetorical discipline. At any rate it is here and possibly in the section on grammar that the teacher will find the specific difference that distinguishes this manual from others of thelsort. Among books which I have consulted with profit I should mention particularly A.S. Hills Foundations of Wieioric, Kittredge and Farleys Advanced English Grammar Onions Advanced English Syntax Wendts Syntax, des heviigen Englisch and Poutsma sGrammar of Late Modem English. I have found particularly useful the collectanea in the last two books. Professor Franklin W.Scott, whose happy instinct has now for many years directed one of the largest departments of rhetoric in the country, has given me the benefit of his criticism; and Dr. H.L. Cre has read the manuscript of the book to my advantage.
Book Details

PIBN: 1000000174
Category: Language - English Language
Year: 1919
Language: English
Pages: 160
Words: 39506
Unique Words: 6038  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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