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Mistakes Writing English, How to Avoid Them

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

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Blackwood once said that, with the exception of Wordsworth, there is not one celebrated author of this day who has written two pages consecutively without some flagrant impropriety in the grammar. This may have been an exaggerated statement, nevertheless it is very near the truth in reference to the present time. While mere slavish following of the rules of grammar does not necessarily constitute elegant English, and while all great writers have peculiarities of their own, it must be admitted that no writer, however brilliant, should be excused for grammatical errors that might be avoided.
Book Details

PIBN: 1000127851
Category: Language - English Language
Year: 1891
Language: English
Pages: 115
Words: 28385
Unique Words: 4082  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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