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Junior English Book

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

The following computer-generated description may contain errors and does not represent the quality of the book:
The Junior English Book, designed for use in the critical but somewhat neglected eighth and ninth years, advances no new theory of instruction. The purpose of such a manual, it is assumed, must be to aid the teacher in his efforts to encourage the formation of habits of correct, clear, truthful expression. It is also assumed that training of two kinds is necessary:(1) practice in simple composition, oral and written;(2) word and sentence drill. Part I presents ten separate Courses, each containing a group of related tasks in composition, graded as to difficulty, followed by smaller groups of drill exercises in which attention is paid to such matters as pronunciation, spelling, punctuation, and sentence revision. Part II presents a simple treatment of grammar, with more than ha Kof the exercises aimed directly at common errors. The tasks in composition number about 150, more than can be used in two years. In selecting material for these tasks care has been taken to provide training of immediate value. This is illustrated in the Courses entitled Letters and Business English, where the treatment, though practical, is designedly elementary. It has been definitely recognized, moreover, that the young do best when they are interested.
Book Details

PIBN: 1000027334
Category: Language - English Language
Language: English
Pages: 461
Words: 117645
Unique Words: 9068  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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