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Grammar of the English Sentence

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

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Since the Grammar of the English Sentence appeared, twelve years ago, the author has used it as a text in sixty different classes, aggregating nearly ten thousand students. There could have been offered no better opportunity to determine what positions are tenable, what points need further elaboration, what statements should be modified, and what matter may be omitted. The opportunity has riot been allowed to pass unused. The book has been entirely rewritten. Not every sentence has been changed, but every one has been carefully examined. The fundamental ideas of the old book th grammar is the science of the sentence, that the sentence is determined by the thought it eatresses, that English grammar should he an exposition of present usage, and thai a knowledge of it is indispensable to ability to speak and vrrite correctly remain fundamental in the new one. The historical feature has received no attention, partly because others have done it so much better than the writer could do it, but chiefly because it is regarded as unessential to the purpose of this book. It has been estimated that of every hundred pupils now studying English grammar not more than one will ever read a page of English earlier than the age of Elizabeth. This book is for the ninety and nine. The one must find elsewhere the exhaustive study of historical English accidence. Conspicuous among the new features are:(1) More attention to the thought foundations of grammar. The Introduction will afford the teacher an opportunity to work out with his class the essential relations between thought forms and their verbal expressions. This work will require care and patience, but it must be thoroughly mastered. Yet an effort has been made not to overdo this phase of the work, for it is well to keep constantly in mind that gramvtvar is grammar and not logic or psychology.1 The Preface to the First Thousand may be seen on page 292.
Book Details

PIBN: 1000003387
Category: Language - English Language
Year: 1903
Language: English
Pages: 303
Words: 94103
Unique Words: 6054  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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