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General Mathematics

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

The following computer-generated description may contain errors and does not represent the quality of the book:
The purpose of this book, as implied in the introduction, is as follows: to obtain a vital, modern scholarly course in introductory mathematics that may serve to give such careful training in quantitative thinking and expression as wellinformed citizens of a democracy should possess. It is, of course, not asserted that this ideal has been attained. Our achievements are not the measure of our desires to improve the situation. There is still a very large safety factor of deud wood in this text. The material purposes to present such simple and significant principles of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, practical drawing, and statistics, along with a few elementary notions of other mathematical subjects, the whole involving numerous and rigorous applications of arithmetic, as the average man (more accurately the modal man) is likely to remember and to use. There is here an attempt to teach pupils things worth knowing and to discipline them rigorously in things worth doing. The argument for a thorough reorganization need not be stated here in great detail. But it will be helpful to enumerate some of the major errors of secondary-mathematics instruction in current practice and to indicate briefly how this work attempts to improve the situation. The following serve to illustrate its purpose and program:1. The conventional first-year algebra course is characterized by excessive formalism; and there is much drill work largely on nonessentials.
Book Details

PIBN: 1000000178
Category: Mathematics - Algebra
Year: 1919
Language: English
Pages: 507
Words: 129501
Unique Words: 4594  (excluding 311 stopwords)
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