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A Study of English Words

by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Book Description

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The study of English as language is beginning to find its rightful place, parallel with the study of English as literature. Archbishop Trench and Richard Grant White, in their works on words, were pioneers in this direction. From our very position as followers, we cannot claim the originality of these leaders, but we have the advantage of the records of late scholarship, far deeper and broader and more trustworthy than the accepted traditions on which they based their statements. This little book is believed to be the first effort to bring within schoolroom scope and schoolbook form the latest discoveries of language students about English. After Trench and White and Skeat, the author is indebted to Whitney and Emerson; and Professor Jackson of Columbia University has most kindly allowed the use of his table for distinguishing word-origins at sight (page46).
Book Details

PIBN: 1000006301
Category: Language - English Language
Language: English
Pages: 131
Words: 31132
Unique Words: 4533  (excluding 311 stop words)
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