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CV Format 02

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Mapping of Geological Structures (McClay)

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Copyright © 1987 K. R. McClay
Reprinted in September 1991 by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate,
Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England
First published in 1987 by Open University Press
Reprinted 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 (twice), 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003 (three times), 2005, 2006, 2007
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced by any means,
or transmitted, or translated into a machine language
without the written permission of the publisher.

The Mapping of Geological Structures

Map Excersise Book PDF

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The following exercises guide you in progressive steps through the
analysis and interpretation of geological maps. This is an introductory course that will give you basic, fundamental skills. The course will build upon the work you did in the first few lab classes in GEOL 112 and you should review those lab classes. Some of these exercises will be completed on the Wherewithal Fieldclass. The rest will be completed in laboratory classes. It is a requirement that you write down your answers and sketch your drawings in the booklet provided. This will allow corrections, and will be a useful guide for your reference and future assessments. We will collect these books for assessment from students who achieve marginal marks in the practical examination. We may not necessarily conduct the exercises in numerical order. The exercises will help you to learn techniques that can be applied to any geological map, but they will also introduce you to the regional geology of some areas of the South Island.


by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014

FORMAT: Full year; no lectures, no laboratories.
Independent field-based project.
• 15% Field data: Due 24th May: 4pm.
• 10% Talk: 12th July (provisional)
• 75% Project report (65%) and final graphic syntheses (e.g. final map, cross sections, etc.. 10%).
Due 16th August: 4pm.
• Acceptance of project is dependent upon all samples, thin sections and fossils being adequately
curated. Deadline 20th August.
Basic field skills, geological mapping skills, hand-specimen identification, and petrographic skills.
Tertiary-level writing skills.
TEXTBOOKS: these may be helpful.
Coe, A. (ed.); 2010. Geological Field Techniques. Wiley-Blackwell
Fry, N. The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks. Wiley.
Jerram, D. & Petford, N. The Field Description of Igneous Rocks. Wiley.
Lisle, R., Brabham, P & Barnes, J. Basic Geological Mapping. Wiley.
McClay, K. Mapping of Geological Structures, Wiley.
Tucker, M.E. Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Practical Guide. Wiley.
This paper is intended to develop a range of geological skills, including some of stratigraphy, mapping,
structural geometry, facies analysis, petrography, and library research. The report resulting from the
independent project develops abilities in written communication and geological interpretation.
Participants in the course will investigate a range of topics dependent upon the specific area chosen for
their independent field project. The participant’s project supervisor will suggest appropriate readings and
laboratory methods related to project aims. The supervisor will be available for field consultation at some
time during the project, and will offer guidance on a first draft of the written report.

Earth Science & Climatic Change for Geology

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014
In this paper we have focused on fundamental processes that are important for understanding the electrical properties of materials, both single crystal minerals and igneous rocks, both laboratory-grown and from natural environments. The prevailing view in the geophysics community is that the
electrical conductivity structure of the Earth’s continental crust over the 5-35 km depth range can best be understood by assuming the presence of intergranular fluids and/or intergranular carbon films. Based on studies of melt-grown MgO, magma-derived sanidine and anorthosite feldspar and upper mantle olivine single crystal we present evidence for the presence of electronic charge carriers, the importance of which has been largely ignored. These charge carriers derive from peroxy defects, which are introduced during cooling, under non-equilibrium conditions, through a redox conversion of pairs of solute OH- arising from the solid state dissolution of H2O. It can be shown that, during reheating, the peroxy defects become thermally activated in a 2-step process. Step 2 leads to the release of defect electrons in the oxygen anion sub lattice. Known as positive holes and symbolized by h•, these electronic charge carriers are associated with energy.

Petrophysical Evaluation of Shaly Sand Reservoirs in Palouge-Fal Oilfield, Geology Students

by Unknown  |  at  Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Abstract- The performance of various shaly sand saturation equations was compared to the water saturation calculated from drainage capillary pressure. T

he wireline logging, mud logging, well testing, and core data had been carefully evaluated during the processing of the data; therefore, data quality was thought to be good. Almost all kinds of petrophysical parameters were used for log interpretation in the area of the study, and accomplished the six wells processing and interpretation, including interpretation of the results, tabling, plotting and cross-plots making for data quality control. The results obtained using the shaly sand evaluation techniques, were in good agreement with core and other data. Consequently, the methods and techniques in the shaly sand models can be used to improve petrophysical evaluation of shaly sand reservoirs. The result of the evaluation was utilized to investigate the low productivity from some zones and its relation with depositional process and petrophysical properties. Spectral gamma ray was introduced in this study as a new method to identify the reservoir quality.

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